Okay, so I know potatoes are not a very exciting topic to be writing about on a blog. I am a realist. I suspect half of you are about to click right over to the next blog.... BUT WAIT! Potatoes are kind of exciting when you make a
Zero Waste Project of them. Zero Waste is the buzz phrase these days. Everyone is trying so hard to use less packaging, waste less food, be more efficient... in general, do more with less all the way around.
I, too, try to practice zero waste by using the old adage "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, and Rot". However, I wanted to do more. I wanted to waste less. Thus, we set the stage for, ( insert trumpet fanfare here),
The Great Potato Project of 2014! Essentially, I decided to see what could be accomplished if I didn't toss anything from a 50 pound bag of potatoes that I bought at Save-A-Lot.
Let us begin...
50 pounds of happiness!!!! bag was shredded and sent to the compost pile. |
This is what we begin with, a 50 pound bag of potatoes that I ripped into, composted the bag, washed the spuds in the sink, and began working through until I thought my fingers would fall off.
Old Hickory and my taters, just getting started.